Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

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Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

Lowongan Assessor- HSE Background (ASE)


Kami adalah Perusahaan berkembang yang bergerak di bidang pengadaan media komunikasi QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment)/ K3 (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja) untuk industri Migas, Manufaktur, dll. Kami sedang membutuhkan staf untuk ditempatkan sebagai :

Assessor- HSE Background (ASE)

Requirements :

* Fresh Graduate silahkan melamar
* Memiliki Pengetahun seputar HSE/ K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja)
* Pendidikan minimal D3
* Skil komunikasi, presentasi dan persuasi yang baik
* Berbadan sehat,tidak mengidap penyakit
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Bandung atau Jakarta
* Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota untuk keperluan Assessment Safety Sign dan Hazard Identification di Perusahaan Klien.

Kirimkan lamaran dan CV dengan menyebutkan kode Posisi ("ASE") pada subject email ke :



Email :


Lowongan Programmer & AE & Magang

PT. Imede Indonesia

Kami adalah perusahaan Mobile Solution, yang berlokasi di Jakarta.
Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan posisi sebagai berikut :

Junior Programmer (JP)

Persyaratan :

* Pria/Wanita, Usia max. 35 Tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3 Ilmu Komputer / Manajemen Informatika / Teknologi Informasi / Sistem Informasi
* Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang software development.
* Menguasai dengan baik logika dan algoritma
* Menguasai konsep dan design/analisis pemogramman berorientasi objek
* Menguasai pemogramman PHP, SQL Server.

Account Executice (AE)

Persyaratan :

* Pria/Wanita, Usia max. 35 Tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA Sederajat
* Berpenampilan menarik
* Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang Marketting.
* Menguasai dengan baik Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook
* Memiliki SIM A/C

Mahasiswa Magang (MM)

Persyaratan :

* Pria/Wanita, Diutamakan Pria
* Semester Akhir Management Informatika / Teknik Komputer / Sistem Informasi
Persyaratan :

Harap kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, CV beserta photo terbaru anda ke alamat email kami di :

HRD Departement - PT. Imede Indonesia


AR Invoicing and Collection

PT KSB INDONESIA is part of KSB Group, as Leading Pump and Valve Manufacturing Company belonging to an International Group headquartered in Germany. To Support our team PT KSB INDONESIA has the following position available.

AR Collection Or Invoicing
Purpose of the job:
• To strengthen finance and accounting dept. to achieved company goal.
• Doing invoicing and collect payment from all customer,
To be successful, the applicant must have following background:
• Male or Female, 24 – 35 years old.
• Min. Bachelor degree (S1) from Accounting department of reputable universities.
• Good command of written and spoken English is a must
• Able to work in team as well as individual, Self starter and able to keep a stable performance even without supervision
• Comprehensive knowledge in accounts analysis customer performance and particular General Ledger and AR control
• Has a strong Finance knowledge, Taxation knowledge and strong analytical skills.
• Min. 2 years experience in AR (collection and invoicing) in trading & manufacturing company
• Familiar with standard Microsoft Office applications (excel, word & power point)
• Knowledge of SAP accounting software is preferred
• Able to start immediately
• Willing to be located Cibitung Kawasan Industri MM 2100 (transportation by company bus to and from factory will be provided in certain pick up point)
A good and very competitive fringe benefit for the selected candidate such salary, transport allowance, and health insurance (+family). We also offer professional training in Indonesia and overseas.
If you Match with our requirement, please send your complete CV with detail previous and current job description and your current salary to:
Ratri.eka@ksb.co.id or PT KSB Indonesia
Jl. Timor Blok D2-1 Kawasan Industri MM2100 Cibitung, West Java
For more information please visit www.ksb.co.id


Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Lowongan Pekerjaan IT di STKIP Surya (Prof. Yohanes Surya)

Pak Onno, sebarin ke jaringannya dong. Mengenai IPK, buat yang ipk-nya dibawah
persyaratan tetapi merasa kemampuannya melebihi IPK,
silahkan juga melamar.

Di samping itu kami juga butuh untuk dosen pendidikan TIK (S2 dan S3) serta
Tutor (S1). Nah kalau ini IPK-nya ga bisa ditawar.

Mengenai Salary, competitive.

Okd Thx in Adv atas kesediaannya

Jaha Nababan, S.Sos., Ed.M
Puket V STKIP Surya

Untuk kebutuhan kampus
1. Information System Officer (1)
1. Male / Female, age range 25 – 30 years old
2. Bachelor Degree of Computer Science/Software Engineering/Information
3. Possess knowledge of web development and databases, LINUX, UNIX OS, Java
4. Good analytical and project management skills
5. Strong understanding of business and business process as well as how the IT
service fits into it
6. Good in documentation
7. Hardworking and fast learner
8. Have ability to communicate with people of all levels
9. Excellent interpersonal skill, self-motivated, creative, independent, quick
learner, and result oriented
10. Good team player and capable of working under pressure to tight deadlines
11. Good command of English would be an advantage

2. Network Engineer (1)
1. Male, age range 25-30 years old
2. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/ Information Technology.
3. Certifications: CompTIA Network, CCNA,
4. Systems: Windows, Cisco Systems, Juniper, UNIX, Linux
5. Networking: Switches, Routers, Hubs, Servers, Cables, Racks, Firewalls,
6. Good in documentation
7. Hardworking and fast learner
8. Have ability to communicate with people of all levels
9. Excellent interpersonal skill, self-motivated, creative, independent, quick
learner, and result oriented
10. Good team player and capable of working under pressure to tight deadlines
11. Good command of English would be an advantage

3. Computer Technician (2)
1. Male, age range 20-30 years old
2. Graduate from vocational school majoring in Computer/Information Technology
3. Good in documentation
4. Hardworking and fast learner
5. Have ability to communicate with people of all levels
6. Excellent interpersonal skill, self-motivated, creative, independent, quick
learner, and result oriented
7. Good team player and capable of working under pressure to tight deadlines
Untuk kebutuhan pengembangan perangkat lunak berbasis web memerlukan
tenaga-tenaga sebagai berikut:

Tim Teknologi Informasi (IT Team)
Dibutuhkan 2 tenaga teknologi informasi untuk memasang dan memelihara jaringan,
mesin-mesin server dan klien :
1. Sarjana S-1 dari Jurusan/Program Studi Teknik Komputer, Jurusan/Program
Studi Teknik Informatika, atau Jurusan/Program Studi Ilmu
Komputer dari Fakultas Ilmu Komputer; atau sarjana teknik/sains yang
berkaitan (Industri, Fisika, Elektro). D-3 dari Jurusan Komputer
dengan pengalaman yang signifikan juga dapat dipertimbangkan.
2. Mempunyai IPK 3.00 (dari 4.00) atau lebih; diutamakan yang memiliki
nilai-nilai yang baik di kuliah-kuliah jaringan, perangkat keras,
sistem terdistribusi, dan keamananan komputer (computer security).
3. Berpengalaman dengan server Windows 2003 atau 2008, LAN, dan jaringan
Internet. Diutamakan yang berpengalaman dengan storage server,
backup server, pemasangan IIS7 server dan MS SQL 2005/2008 Database server.
4. Mengirimkan resume/CV melalui Email yang berisi riwayat pendidikan tinggi,
deskripsi pekerjaan sekarang, skills, pengalaman kerja,
prestasi/award/sertifikasi, dan 2 nama referensi dan cara menghubungi
mereka (akan digunakan hanya pada tahap interview akhir).

Tim Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak (Software Developer Team)
Dibutuhkan beberapa pemrogram yunior dan senior untuk database dan aplikasi
berbasis web dengan syarat-syarat berikut :
1. Sarjana S-1 dari Jurusan/Program Studi Teknik Informatika, atau
Jurusan/Program Studi Ilmu Komputer dan Jurusan/Program Sistem
Informasi dari Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
2. Mempunyai IPK 3.00 (dari 4.00) atau lebih; mempunyai nilai-nilai yang baik
di kuliah-kuliah algoritma/pemrograman, struktur data,
database, dan rekayasa perangkat lunak.
3. Berpengalaman menggunakan SQL dan memahami ERD paling sedikit 2 tahun
antara 2000 dan 2010, diutamakan Microsoft SQL, dan lebih baik
jika Microsoft SQL 2005 atau 2008. Diutamakan juga yang mengenal dengan
baik penggunaan SSIP, Stored Procedure, Functions, dan
menggunakan version control.
4. Berpengalaman menggunakan PHP atau ASP.NET pada platform Windows paling
sedikit 2 tahun antara 2005-2010. Diutamakan yang mengenal
dengan baik ASP.NET 2 (ASP VB atau C#), dan menggunakan version control.
5. Diutamakan yang memenuhi kedua syarat (3) an (4). Memenuhi salah satu
syarat (3) atau (4) secara luar biasa dipersilahkan mengirimkan
resume/CV dan akan dipertimbangkan kemudian.
6. Bersedia melakukan 25% travel untuk keperluan pemasangan aplikasi di klien.
7. Mengirimkan resume/CV melalui Email yang berisi riwayatpendidikan tinggi,
deskripsi pekerjaan sekarang, skills, pengalaman kerja,
prestasi/award/sertifikasi, dan 2 nama referensi dan cara menghubungi
mereka (akan digunakan hanya pada tahap interview akhir).
8. Kandidat yang sangat berpengalaman dalam pengembangan (perencanaan,
perancangan, pembangunan, pengujian, dan pemeliharaan) perangkat
lunak dapat dipertimbangkan menjadi pemrogram senior.

Tim Requirement dan Dokumentasi
Dibutuhkan 3 tenaga untuk melakukan dua kegiatan berikut:
1. Mendokumentasikan proses bisnis dari kantor klien [Requirement Analysis]
2. Mendokumentasikan rujukan, manual, dan materi pelatihan dari aplikasi
komputer [Application Services].
1. Sarjana S-1 dari Jurusan/Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Jurusan/Program
Studi Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Informasi (dari Fakultas
Ilmu Komputer); Jurusan Teknik Industri; Jurusan Manajemen; atau
jurusan-jurusan lain yang berkaitan langsung dengan kegiatan di atas.
2. Mempunyai IPK 3.00 (dari 4.00) atau lebih
3. Berpengalaman melakukan interview untuk pengumpulan data atau dokumen;
berpengalaman menulis laporan teknis. Diutamakan yang
berpengalaman menuliskan kasus-kasus kegiatan (“use cases”), spesifikasi
proses bisnis, dan data flow diagram.
4. Mengirimkan resume/CV melalui Email yang berisi riwayat pendidikan tinggi,
deskripsi pekerjaan sekarang, skills, pengalaman kerja,
prestasi/award, dan 2 nama referensi dan cara menghubungi mereka (akan
digunakan hanya pada tahap interview akhir).
5. Bersedia melakukan 25-50% travel untuk keperluan interview klien.

Untuk proyek besar pengembangan perangkat lunak dalam bidang kesehatan

Satu orang senior programmer untuk software, database dan aplikasi berbasis web
dengan syarat-syarat berikut.
1. Sarjana S-1 dari Jurusan/Program Studi Teknik Informatika, atau
Jurusan/Program Studi Ilmu Komputer dan Jurusan/Program Sistem
Informasi dari Fakultas Ilmu Komputer.
2. Mempunyai IPK 3.00 (dari 4.00) atau lebih; mempunyai nilai-nilai yang baik
di kuliah-kuliah algoritma/pemrograman, struktur data,
database, dan rekayasa perangkat lunak.
3. Berpengalaman memprogram dalam Java, PHP atau ASP.NET pada platform Windows
paling sedikit 2 tahun antara 2005-2010, dan menggunakan
version control.
4. Berpengalaman menggunakan SQL dan MySQL, dan memahami ERD paling sedikit 2
tahun antara 2000 dan 2010. Diutamakan juga yang mengenal
dengan baik penggunaan SSIP, Stored Procedure, Functions, dan menggunakan
version control.
5. Berpengalaman dalam pengembangan (perencanaan, perancangan, pembangunan,
pengujian, dan pemeliharaan) perangkat lunak.
6. Bersedia melakukan 25% travel untuk keperluan pemasangan aplikasi di klien.
7. Mengirimkan resume/CV melalui email yang berisi riwayat pendidikan tinggi,
deskripsi pekerjaan sekarang, skills, pengalaman kerja,
prestasi/award/sertifikasi, dan 2 nama referensi dan cara menghubungi
mereka (akan digunakan hanya pada tahap interview akhir).
Satu seorang senior marketing yang berpengalaman di dunia IT kesehatan.
1. Mempunyai pendidikan S-1 di bidang marketing dari universitas yang bernama.
2. Mempunyai minimum 3 tahun pengalaman di bidang marketing, terutama di
market research dan survey.
3. Mempunyai kapabilitas interpersonal yang baik dan kemampuan bekerja sama
dengan tim.
4. Mempunyai kemampuan berkomunikasi dan presentasi yang baik dalam bahasa
Indonesia dan Inggris.
5. Mempunyai semangat kerja yang tinggi dan goal-oriented.
6. Mempunyai kemampuan menggunakan applikasi MS Office
7. Bersedia melakukan 25% travel.
8. Mengirimkan resume/CV melalui email yang berisi riwayat pendidikan tinggi,
deskripsi pekerjaan sekarang, skills, pengalaman kerja,
prestasi/award/sertifikasi, dan 2 nama referensi dan cara menghubungi
mereka (akan digunakan hanya pada tahap interview akhir).



We are one of the biggest Mining Group of Company in Indonesia . We look for suitable candidate who can fill the position as below:

1. Kepala Teknik Tambang (KTT)


1. Maximum 45 years old

2. Minimum 8 (eight) years experience in mining industry with minimum 4 (four) years in managerial level

3. Bachelor degree from faculty of mining engineer / geology

4. Posses KTT / POU certificate

5. Fluent in English both oral & written, fluent in Mandarin will be an advantage

6. Computer Literate in using MS office & Internet

7. Manage and control all mining sites operation for all mining aspect include technical & non technical to achieve project target

8. Manage and control all civil work, construction and land compensation

9. Create Good Mining Practice

10. Able to manage both natural resources and human resources to achieve efficient and productive result

11. Able to make project budget preparation and control

12. Good leadership to subordinates with good interpersonal and organizational skills

13. Self confident and tactful to communicate with people in every level within the organization / corporate

14. Good health and able to work under pressure with good result and always seek best solution to solve problem

15. To be located in Maluku islands, with rotation schedule

2. Drilling Mechanic (for mining exploration) - (DM)


1. Male, age maximum 40 years old

2. Minimum 3 (three) years experience in mining company, preferable in mineral exploration

3. Minimum high school degree form any major

4. Understand trouble-shooting hydraulic and diesel engines

5. Good knowledge about Safety procedure

6. Good physical health and able to work in a team

7. To be located in remote area, with rotation schedule

3. Export – Import Staff / Supervisor (EIS)


1. age maximum 35 years old

2. Willing to work at Jakarta

3. Able to communicate in English or Mandarin (oral and written)

4. Computer literacy, especially in customs (bea & Cukai) and MS-Excel/MS-Office application

5. having experince at least 1 or 2 years at same position

6. having at least Diploma degree

7. good problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to detail

If you meet the criteria above, please submit your application and
mention the position you are applying for, attached with current CV,
expected salary and new photo to:

JKT 12083
Or Email to: (with format MS-Word), with subject email “KTT, DM or EIS”



Only short-listed candidate will be contacted for further recruitment process.


Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Big Opportunity in PT.Combiphar

COMBIPHAR, an aggressive pharmaceutical & consumer goods company are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual to fill the position as :


Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 35 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from any major
•Having experienced as Supervisor / Coordinator / Area Manager in Pharmaceutical Company minimum for 2 years
•Excellent in communication ,networking and leadership skills
•Having driving license (SIM A)
•Willing to be placed at our branches in all over Indonesia

Requirements :
•Male/Female, with maximal age 28 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from any major
•Having experience as MR is an advantages, but Fresh graduated are welcome to apply
•Excellent communication and networking skills
•Self-motivation, drive and initiative
•An outgoing and confident approach
•Having own motorcycle and SIM C


Requirements :
•Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy / Apothecary Program
•At least 2 years of working experience in as Product Manager is required
•Able to manage new product Development and product launching
•Good command of spoken and written English
•Have a good negotiation, interpersonal, presentation, marketing and communication skill
•Have a strong analytical and problem solving abilities
•Willing to work in field and travel throughout Indonesia


Requirements :
•Male / Female, maximum age 40 years old
•Bachelor degree or Master degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Minimum 2 years experience as Tax Manager preferable from manufacturing / pharmaceutical industry
•Preferably having experience working at Tax Consultant
•Having deep understanding in Indonesian Tax Regulation, Import Regulation and PSAK (Prinsip Standar Akuntansi Keuangan)
•Proficient in SAP (FI-CO module) would be an added advantage
•Having Brevet A & B is a must
•Good leadership and interpersonal relationship
•Fluent in English both oral & written

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 35 years old
•Possess Bachelor Degree from a reputable University (local/overseas) majoring in Accounting.
•Preferably having minimum of 2 years experiences working in similar position in Manufacturing / Pharmaceutical company
•Having experience in using SAP (FI-CO module)
•Having Brevet A & B will be an advantage
•Committed to continuous improvement, keen on accuracy, number and detail aspects

Requirements :

•Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Mature, dynamic person with maximum age 35 years old
•Advance in accounting, tax and auditing
•Experience in manufacture industry are preferred
•Familiar with SAP R3 or above are preferred
•Minimum 5 years experience in related area and 2 years in supervisory level.
•Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Requirements :
•Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Maximum age 40 years old
•Having experiences working as external auditor in reputable (world wide) Public Accounting Firm
•Minimum 2 years experiences in similar position in pharmaceutical company is a must
•Holding CIA (Certificate of Internal Audit) from IIA (Institute of Internal Audit) is an advantage
•Computer literate and having an excellent report skill
•Willing to travel extensively to all branches

•Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
.Having good knowledge in pharmaceutical industry and its distribution process
•Computer literate and having a good report skill
•Willing to travel extensively to all branches

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Having 2 years experience in related area
•Having Experience in manufacturing industry are preferred
•Having knowledge in SAP (FI-CO module) would be an added advantage
.Having Brevet A & B will be an advantage
•Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Having 1 year experience in similar position
•Good communication skills and willing to work under pressure

Requirements :
•Female with maximum age 28 years old
•Bachelor Degree in Accounting / Management from reputable university
•Having 1 year experience in similar position
•Good communication skills and willing to work under pressure

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 35 years old
•Possess Bachelor Degree from a reputable University from any major
•Preferably having minimum of 2 years experiences working in similar position
•Have experience in developing training material (soft skill and hard skill), and as a trainer/ facilitator
•Have experience in Training Need Analysis (TNA) and training evaluation
•Have experience in developing performance management system
•Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
•Strong computer literate (MS Office,Internet & HRIS )

Requirements :
•Male or female with age maximum 27 years
•Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Having at least 3 years of working experience in related duties, is a must
•Having experiences in Pharmaceutical Company is an advantage
•Updated with latest government remuneration regulation, income tax (Pph 21) and Jamsostek
•Good filing and administration skills
•Having advance Microsoft Office skills (especially Microsoft Excel)
•Strong ability to work individually and with team, able to work under pressure and commit to deadline

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 27 years old
•Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
•Mastering Microsoft Excel and Access is a must
•Mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Bachelor Degree of Science in Pharmacy / Pharmacist
•Having minimal 2 years experience as Registration Officer
•Preparing and / or reviewing regulatory documentation.
•Organizing and ensuring smooth process of product registrations and licenses.
•Having experience in building rapport with BPOM is an advantage.
•Having Knowledge in GMP & GLP is an advantage
•Good command in English (oral & written) is an advantage

Requirements :
•Male / Female, maximum age 40 years
•Possess Bachelor Degree from a reputable University (local/overseas) majoring in Food Technology
•Preferably having minimum of 2 years experiences working in similar position in Manufacturing / Consumer Goods / Pharmaceutical company
•Good communication, presentation & negotiation skill, mature with good interpersonal skill at all levels
•Excellent analytical skill & creative problem solving
•Good command in English (oral & written) is an advantage

Forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, maximum 1 month from this advertisement to:

Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor
Jl.Senen Raya 135
Jakarta Pusat

Or Email to :


Vacancy (Lowongan Kerja) in Bali (ADMIN)

Vacancy (Lowongan Kerja) in Bali (ADMIN)

Our company which still develop into several businesses need a Marketing
officer with Qualifications:

1. Female no more than 35 years old living in Bali.

2. English speaking ability is not a must. She likes Japanese culture.

3. Admin experience is recommended. Knowing Taxation is preferably.

4. Mature and able to work with team

5. Good leadership and self motivated. Hard worker and willing to
work under-pressure. Result driven and target oriented person. Good
interpersonal skills, excellent communications skills

6. Able to use internet and computer

7. Able to start immediately ,

Only an excellent result, we will send the person to our HeadQuarter in Tokyo,

All CV and recent photo please send to;

PT Pandan International

No correspondence.
Only selected candidate will be called.
All Documents will not be returned.

Thank you.
Sekolah bahasa Jepang http://PandanCollege.com/ 0361-255-225


Foreign Banks Need: Internet Banking Manager; Treasury Product Control Analyst and Head Of Finance. ASAP

Hi all,

I’m Rosa from Asia Select Indonesia. We are an Executive Search Firm/Head Hunter. And now my company is representing some big foreign banks who are looking for some positions as mentioned below:

1. Internet Banking Manager

* The candidate should be from business or product side (retail/consumer banking area) and not from IT side.
* Have 3-5 years experiences in Internet Banking area.
* English proficiency, verbal and written is a must.
* Basic interest in technology (Technology Savvy)
* From IT consultants still open, but knowledge about the business/products is a must.

2. Treasury Product Control Analyst

* Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Banking and Economy from reputable university
* Having experience 2 years experience in Product Control
* Strong knowledge of product control and have a solid understanding of Treasury products related to FX, MM, ALM and securities
* To be proficient in accounting and have knowledge of IAS
* Able to work effectively as an individual and also in a team environment
* Able to work well under tight deadline
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
* PC literate, high integrity, risk focus and attention to detail
* Proficient in written and spoken English

3. Head Of Finance (will be reporting to Deputy Chief Financial Officer) so it must be for Senior Management level.

* Strong in BI Reporting, Tax, and Accounting (or atleast 2 of 3 these skills)
* Have experiences in banking.
* English is a must (written and verbal)

If you want to apply or give some name (referrals), please don't be hesitated to contact me through this email or just send me the resume to rosarini@asiaselect.co.id

Since these are urgently requirements, highly appreciated if you could send your very updated resume as soon as possible.

I am looking forward to hearing good news from you all. Thank you.

Best Regards,

Anastasia Rosarini and her Introvertina
